While by no means the worst oral impairment from which one can suffer, tooth gaps can put a damper on an otherwise perfect smile. This is particularly true of gaps that are present between one’s front two teeth. Fortunately for people bothered by gaps, there are numerous ways to get rid of them – many of which are affordable on virtually any budget. With the help of a good cosmetic dentist, you can make gaps in your teeth a thing of the past. Anyone interested in fixing their gaps is urged to consider the following options.
1. Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is one of the least expensive treatment options for tooth gaps. Like many other gap-closing procedures, it’s expertly performed by Dr. Steven Marsh, D.D.S., the founder of http://www.clevelandsmiles.com/. As the name of the procedure implies, it entails the use of resilient bonding resin. This resin is used to fill the spaces between teeth, effectively creating the appearance of a space-less smile. It should be noted, however, that these bonds are not permanent – and will need to be replaced every two to five years. Furthermore, bonding resin doesn’t work on certain types of gaps – namely, those that are exceptionally wide or uneven. Although resin can be applied to these gaps, it’s likely to fall out within a matter of days, if not sooner.
2. Retainers
Retainers are popular tools for purging gaps and straightening teeth. Since closing your unique gap(s) requires the aid of a custom-made retainer, this particular method can be a little expensive for people without dental insurance. So if you pay for dental costs out-of-pocket, make sure to discuss payment options for with your dentist before committing to have a retainer made. Additionally, it will likely take a while for you to see results – and you may be required to wear a retainer for the rest of your life in order to keep the gap from re-forming.
3. Crowns
Crowns represent a fairly permanent solution to tooth gaps. Since most crowns are largely composed of porcelain, ceramic or stainless steel, they represent a much tougher alternative to resin-based bonds. Although dentists generally use crowns to fix severely damaged or broken teeth, they’ve become a common fix for gaps in recent years.
If you refuse to settle for a gap-laden smile, you’re not alone. Tooth gaps are among the most common problems cosmetic dentists deal with on a daily basis. Luckily, there are a number of simple, pain-free ways to close bothersome gaps and achieve a flawless smile.