In-office dental cleanings may not be your favorite appointment; however, they are essential for keeping your mouth healthy. Skipping such appointments can have far-reaching consequences. Do not allow the fear of a dentist in Chelsea NYC lead to negative consequences for both your teeth and gums. Keep reading to understand why regular dental cleanings are important and how you can avoid dental nightmares with them:
The Consequences of Neglected Dental Cleanings
Neglecting regular dental cleanings can result in the following:
- Plaque and tartar formation. When you skip dental cleanings, dental plaque and tartar will continue to form, compromising your oral health. No matter how diligent you are with at-home oral care, some dental plaque will form on your teeth. Eventually, this plaque hardens into tartar, which can only be removed through professional teeth cleaning. When left unattended, tartar can cause cavities and gum disease.
- Gum disease. This progressive condition can occur silently when you neglect dental cleanings. Usually, it begins with mild symptoms such as bleeding gums and redness. But when not treated promptly, gum disease can progress to periodontitis, which is a more serious stage that cannot be reversed. This condition is associated with systemic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
- Dental cavity formation. Without regular teeth cleanings, dental cavities can form and worsen. They could begin as small tooth decay and can escalate into painful cavities. The longer dental cavities remain untreated, the more extensive and expensive the repairs can become.
- Oral cancer. This possibly life-threatening condition can be successfully treated when detected early. Dental cleanings at your dentist’s office include a thorough exam of your oral tissues, letting the dentist detect suspicious growths and lesions. Not staying on top of regular cleanings can lead to a late-stage oral cancer diagnosis.
How to Maintain a Healthy Smile
Maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile does not need to be hard. Below are some ways to optimize your oral health:
- Get your teeth cleaned professionally every six months. Scheduling bi-annual dental checkups should be made a habit to prevent oral health issues from developing. Such appointments allow your dentist to spot problems early, provide preventative care, and offer thorough teeth cleanings that get rid of plaque and tartar.
- Maintain daily oral hygiene. Consistent oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth at least two times every day using fluoride toothpaste and a brush with soft bristles. Brush your teeth for two minutes each time. Also, floss your teeth at least once every day to get rid of trapped food debris and plaque between your teeth and your gumline.
- Be mindful of your food and drinks. Limit your intake of acidic and sugary food and drinks because they damage your teeth and contribute to decay. Choose a balanced diet full of fruits, lean proteins, dairy products, and vegetables. Consume water after every meal to rinse away acids and food particles.
- Stop smoking tobacco and limit alcohol consumption. Smoking won’t do anything good for your oral and overall health, so consider stopping. In fact, this habit is a risk factor for various oral health problems like oral cancer and gum disease. Also, limiting consumption of alcohol minimizes your risk of oral cancer.
- Pay attention to the health of your gums. If you notice symptoms such as gum bleeding, swelling, or redness, seek dental care right away. Early intervention can stop gum disease from progressing, preventing more serious problems such as tooth loss and gum recession.
Seeing your dentist regularly for dental cleanings can help you avoid a lot of oral health issues that may also compromise your overall health. From dental cavities to gum disease and oral cancer, skipping dental cleaning appointments can result in different nightmares. Take proactive steps to make your oral health a priority.